Year: 2020

Kidney disease will be my source of strength

Rev Fr. Okoloagu Nathaniel, a 58-year old Catholic priest working...

Acceptance of the truth of kidney disease is the first step

Maggie Ng Miu Man has been living with kidney disease...

28 Years of Living with Kidney Disease and Thriving

Dawn Edwards tells the story of her journey with kidney...

Receiving a kidney transplant after many wrong turns

Peter Chakaya talks about the difficulties of receiving dialysis in...

A gift that made my son smile again

Ruth Njeri tells the story of her son who suffered...

I lost my kidney due to PUJ (pelvic-ureteric junction) obstruction

Chiara Improta suffered from a PUJ (pelvic-ureteric junction) obstruction. She...

Don’t Pity Me, Pity My Situation

Joab Wako, a kidney transplant patient, is raising awareness about...

My companion for life: Dialysis

Sara Ammar was diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) when...

A Slot in Dialysis

Guillermo Garcia-Garcia is a nephrologist based in Mexico and he...