We are holding a public engagement event for community members from the Chilumba area on Thursday 21st March at Thunduti Primary School.
The event is being organised by Malawi Epidemiology and Intervention Research Unit (MEIRU) with funding from the University of Liverpool. All information will be provided in Chitumbuka.
The event will open with introductions from the village head, school headteacher, Karonga District Medical Officer and MEIRU team members. Information will be given about chronic kidney disease in addition to other associated long-term conditions in particular hypertension and diabetes. This will include updates on current MEIRU research studies involving the community concerned and focusing on these conditions.
The introductions and information giving will be followed by a drama performance, delivered by Mbenekaya Theatre, and a music act, performed by Spy T.
The event will close with poster walk, opportunity to take part in #Show YourKidneys group photograph, Q&A session and event feedback.
World Kidney Day
ISN – Global Operations Center
Avenue des Arts 1-2, 6th floor,
1210, Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32 2 808 04 20