World Kidney Day 2014 – Survival is not enough- Bari


Bari Italy

Date of event

10 March 2014 


WORLD KIDNEY DAY/SURVIVAL IS NOT ENOUGH BARI, ITALY, University Hospital Policlinico, Aula Magna “G. De Benedictis, 3.00-6.30 PM PROMOTER LORETO GESUALDO, Professor of Nephrology University of Bari IN COLLABORATION WITH Italian Society of Nephrology, Apulo-Lucana Branch of SIN/ University of Bari & “Azione Universitaria” Student Association AS TRADITIONAL, THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, GRANTS SPECIFIC CREDITS TO MEDICAL STUDENTS FOR THIS EVENT WELCOME Invitati/Invited FILIPPO ANELLI, President of the Order of Physicians, Bari FRANCESCO BUX, General Director AReSPuglia FRANCESCO CACUCCI, Archbishop, Bari ENRICO DE MARZO, President Azione Universitaria Student Association MICHELE EMILIANO, Mayor of Bari ANGELO D. COLASANTO, General Director, ASL, Bari VITANGELO DATTOLI, General Director University Hospital, Policlinico, Bari PAOLO LIVREA, President School of Medicine, University of Bari GIANFRANCO MANISCO, President Apulo-Lucana Branch of SIN FRANCESCO SCHITTULLI, President Provincia di Bari ANTONIO URICCHIO, Rector Magnificus, University of Bari 3.00 PM-6.00 PM – SCIENTIFIC SESSION MICHELE BATTAGLIA & F. PAOLO SCHENA, presiding MINA CARBOTTI & MICHELE TAGLIENTE Donare e ricevere… narrazione di testimonianze / Giving and receiving… narratives of clinical histories LORETO GESUALDO Introduzione/Introduction F. PAOLO SCHENA Il sistema donazione-trapianti in Italia e in Puglia: un modello di integrazione tra i professionisti della salute /Donation system in Italy and Apulia: a model between health professionals ORLANDO TODARELLO Valutazione psicologica del paziente in lista d’attesa per Trapianto di Rene./ Psychological assessment of patients in the waiting list for renal transplantation VINCENZO MALCANGI Identificazione e mantenimento del potenziale donatore/ Identifying and Sustaining the potential donor ANTONELLO DELL’ERA: Sopravvivere… Vivere… Rivivere/ Surviving… living… and reviving ANTONIO SCHENA: Prendersi cura della persona “trapiantata”/Caring for the transplanted person FRANCESCO DE PALMA: Il ruolo delle Associazioni per la sensibilizzazione per la donazione degli organi/The role of associations in promoting organ donation PASQUALE NESSA & PIETRO DI FILIPPO: Donare e ricevere… narrazione di testimonianze/ Giving and receiving… narratives of clinical histories

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