Kidney health awareness


Samaneh Hashemi Abadan medical educational faculty Iran

Date of event

16 February 2020 


Due to COVID19 outbreak in Iran we had to cancel some of our planned events during the WKD event. (There were medical students educational congress, I was selected a number of Interns as lecturer on common Kidney diseases for other medical students levels. I had been organized to have a number of booths around Abadan city for popular kidney health awareness and primary screening of HTN as well as giving consult by med. students for everyone they think are at risk.) As the first nephrologist to start working at Abadan since March 2019, (a relatively small city on the South -West border of Iran), I visited Shadegan and Khorramshahr (2 small towns near to Abadan where you can find on map), HD pts as well as encouraged them for kidney transplantation. These patients were visited by the nephrologist at their HD ward for the first time. We also had a many educational programs for our HD patients at Abadan about COVID19 prevention. My medical students started their first social media team working on Instagram which is called Kidney.aums and with the main aim of spreading kidney health awareness in for Persian language speaker people. We also created a twitter account with the same name( Kidney.aums ) but did not start our activity yet.(our next plan)

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