KD Prevention: Urine Test Strips in the Hospital


Monterrey Mexico

Date of event

14 March 2024 

As part of the activities of the “Kidney Week”, days leading up to the WKD, he Nephrology Student Group of the Medicine Faculty of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León went to the Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González”. There, in the waiting room of the medical offices, the group started doing free Urine Test Strips to try and detect possible kidney damage. The members invited the patients and their companions to perform the test, as well as medical data was collected from the patient, especially to identify risk factors for Kidney Disease.

The members also performed Glucose level checks, and measured blood pressure.

Whenever someone presented with proteins in the urine, or high levels of glucose, they were sent to the Nephrology Department of the Hospital for  an appointment with a Nephrologist.

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