Journée mondiale du rein: un mode de vie sain pour protéger ses reins


Fondation du rein, FNAIR, ARS, RENIF 75013 France

Date of event

9 March 2017 


This year, a free depistage of the “renal risk “consisting in blood sugar level mesure, blood pressure mesure and in urin analsis will be proposed to the population in the kidney unit of the Pitie-Salpetriere teaching hospital, in association with FNAIR, (Federation nationale de l’Aide aux Insuffisants rénaux, a French National Kidney Patients Association) of ARS Ile de France (Agence Régionale de Santé, antenn of the french health ministery) and RENIF (reseau de nephrologie d’ile de France), according to the protocole of the “semaine nationale du rein”. Pop-up stands for informations on the chronic kidney diseases will be proposed and degustation of law salt meals and law sugar cakes, to test the sugar and salt sensitivity. A interdisciplinary team will works together: patient’s associations, medical students, nurses, nephrologists and nutritionnists will do their best to make this moment as much intreactive and as much interesting as they can.

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