I Jornada amb motiu del dia Mundial del Ronyó.


Main Nurse: Teresa Eixarch Lanaspa; Head of Service Gema Ariceta Iraola. Division of Pediatric Nephrology. University Hospital Vall d' Hebron. Barcelona. Spain. Pediatric Nephrology. University Hospital Vall d' Hebron. Pg Vall d' Hebron 119-129. 08035 Barcelona Spain

Date of event

8 March 2018 


Worshop presenting different nursing expert programs, psychologist support and participation in the care of patients with renal and rare renal diseases. Patient supportive groups will have a major role in the workshop presenting their activities At the same time, hospital teachers will organize many activities with inpatients such drawing, scientific practices , and many other educational activities focused on kidney function and kidney diseases in children WKD website support materials have been translated into Catalan language and we will sent them for sharing at the website

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