Healthy Kidneys: Educating the community


Durban South Africa

Date of event

14 March 2024 


World Kidney Day was an enlightening experience for our educated grade 7 students, who actively participated in interactive sessions aimed at understanding the importance of kidney health. Through engaging activities like #ShowYourKidneys, Q&A sessions, and exercises, students gained valuable insights into the functions of the kidneys and the significance of maintaining their health. Emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet from a young age, we distributed water and fruits to promote nutritious eating habits. Furthermore, we extended our outreach to patrons and staff of the hospital, where a doctor and renal technologist provided valuable advice to raise awareness about renal failure. To solidify their commitment to kidney health, both staff and patrons wrote ‘healthy kidney’ pledges, fostering a community dedicated to maintaining optimal kidney function for a healthier future.

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