Exclusive Interview With World Kidney Day Staff on the 2024 campaign!


The International Society of Nephrology Brussels Belgium

Date of event

4 March 2024 


In the run-up to World Kidney Day on Thursday, March 14, the ISN caught up with World Kidney Day staff to find out how to get involved in one of the most significant annual events in the kidney care community calendar and why it’s so important.

WKD is a year-round campaign that launches on the second Thursday in March. This year, the WKD campaign focuses on “Kidney Health for All: Advancing equitable access to care and optimal medication practice.”

Everyone can support World Kidney Day by organizing community activities, sharing personal stories, and using #worldkidneyday, #KidneyHealthforAll, and #ShowYourKidneys on social media. Discover a special WKD activity in Brussels in the interview!

Get involved in World Kidney Day on Thursday, March 14!

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