How big is the problem of CKD?


Akademija medicinskih nauka –Ogranak u Nišu – Prof. dr Spira Strahinjić - Predsednik Medicinski fakultet u Nišu – Prof. dr Stevan Ilić - Dekan Srpsko lekarsko društvo – Podružnica u Nišu – Prof. dr Dragan Veselinović– Predsednik Klinika za nefrologiju KC u Nišu –Prof. dr Radmila Veličković – Direktor Klinika za urologiju KC u Nišu – Doc. dr Dragoslav Bašić – Direktor Institut za javno zdravlje u Nišu – Prof. dr Branislav Tiodorović – Direktor Dom zdravlja u Nišu – Doc. Dr Milorad Jerkan Studentski parlament, Medicinski fakultet u Nišu – Marija Topalović – student Prodekan Nis, 18000 Serbia

Date of event

12 April 2015 


In order to mark the celebration of the World Kidney Day in 2015 we have organized a series of the following Meetings at the Medical Faculty, University of Nis, Serbia: 1. On the foundation of the Institute of nephrology and Hemodialysis held on 13th January 2015. 2. On the occasion of the celebration of St. Sava day on 27th January 2015 which is nominated as a day of students, schools and education. 3. World Kidney Day – Healthy kidney for All “How big is the problem of CKD?” on 12th March 2015. 4. World Kidney Day – Healthy kidney for All “Renal transplantation and organ donation” is going to be held on 08th May 2015.

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