2022 WKD Infographic

This infographic in A4 format highlights key messages and call to actions for improved kidney health literacy. Download, print and distribute to help us raise awareness about Kidney Health for All!  

CKD Infographics

This poster includes infographics about kidneys and kidney disease. Here you can find some facts and figures on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and useful information on how kidneys work and how to keep them healthy. We created this poster with the intent of providing a informative and educational tool that everybody can use and display. […]

Kidney Disease & Obesity – Joint Position

In the context of our advocacy activities, we have developed a Joint Position in collaboration with the World Obesity Federation(WOF) on this year’s topic “Kidney Disease & Obesity”. This document summarises some key data on kidney disease, obesity and their relation, and  includes a few population based policies and strategies that governments and policy makers should implement to increase […]

WKD 2014 logo translated

Some of our supporters and volunteers have kindly provided the translation of some of the campaign material in their native languages. We are sharing them here for your perusal. If you have already translated part of the material in a language not yet available here and you wish to share it, please do not hesitate […]