Korld Kidney Day 2013, Karachi


Clifton Kidney Centre 75600 Pakistan

Date of event

14 March 2013 

A walk followed by health awareness program and charitable activities was organized at the Clifton Kidney and Dialysis Centre (CKDC), Karachi on Thursday , March 14th, 2013 to commemorate the World Kidney Day. The premises was beautifully decorated with flowers, festive balloons, buntings, lights and standees. The wall outside was painted colorfully sporting the 2013 Global Kidney Day slogan of – Stop the Kidney Attack (Protect Your Kidneys, Save Your Heart) along with happily dancing kidney and heart cartoons. The stalls included beauty and makeup, boutique stall and an aromatic snack lounge. On this day, free camp was organized to conduct blood test and ultrasounds of the kidneys, with free echocardiography tests as well. Free consultation on diet and medical therapy was provided by a panel of eminent doctors, for all participants. A lecture on Public Awareness was also conducted by Prof Dr.Iffat Yazdani, Prof Manohar Lal, Dr. Absar Ali and Dr. Ishrat Saleem. The World Kidney Day celebrations turned out to be successful & useful to the public. 200 people attended the free camps where free services were provided. Indeed, another milestone achieved in the history of Clifton Kidney and Dialysis Centre & Welfare Society of Patients Care. Clifton Kidney & Dialysis Centre, Park Lane Hospital, 56, Old Clifton, Shahra-e-Iran, Karachi. Area Code: 75600 Pakistan. Ph# 92-21-35837965 www.cliftonkidneycentre.com

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