Kidney Health Screening


Buffalo United States

Date of event

2 March 2024 

The office of New York State Assembly Member Crystal D. Peoples-Stokes and the Kidney Foundation of Western New York will offer a free community kidney health screening at Bennett High School’s Saturday Academy on Saturday, March 2. As a bonus, the theme of this Saturday Academy is A Happy Healthy You with a farmer’s market give away. The screening will run from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.

The screening is free and no health insurance information or other documentation is needed. It includes a blood pressure test, body mass index calculation, a blood glucose finger-prick test, and a urine test. Participants will end the screening by reviewing their results with a medical professional.

Call the Kidney Foundation of WNY at 716-529-4390 for information on registering. 

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