Аctivities of the World Kidney Day in Tomsk region


Department of health of Tomsk region 634061 Russian Federation

Date of event

10 March 2016 

The purpose of this event is to attract public attention to the problems associated with the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with kidney diseases, increasing the public motivation leading to a healthy lifestyle. Starting February 20th 2016 regional medical organizations of Tomsk have implemented the decade of events dedicated to the world day against kidney disease: – decorating of the health corners on the theme “Prevention of kidney diseases”, – videos rental on the topic of “Prevention of kidney diseases” in patients waiting areas, – the prophylactic medical and preventive examinations of the population, – held the action “Measure your blood pressure!” in public places, – conducted “School health” for patients with kidney disease, – organizing of mobile Health Centers at enterprises, institutions of higher education, – publication at regional and municipal media of articles on prevention of kidney diseases,

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