WKD 2021 Position Paper – Towards patient-centered care for people living with kidney disease

The World Kidney Day 2021 position paper – Towards Patient-centered care for people living with kidney disease presents top line evidence, context and call to actions for anyone who wants to advocate for patient centered kidney care vis-à-vis decision-makers. Central to this piece of advocacy is the statement that kidney care at any level, – policy, research, management – is more effective when done in partnership with patients addressing their priorities, values, and goals.

We strongly encourage you to disseminate this paper widely; sharing it with your governments representatives and policymakers and make it available to your networks via your websites and social media channels.

WKD invites not-for profit organization advocating to improve the lives of patients living with kidney disease to co-sign this position paper. Email your logo to: info@worldkidneyday.org
